Pediatric Endocrinology Fellow

Research Interests: Mechanisms of obesity and insulin resistance related to cumulative and time-sensitive effects of steroid exposure in humans and mice models.

Education: Bachelor in Science '2007 - University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, MI, USA; Doctor of Medicine '2015 - St. George's University, Grenada, West Indies

Favorite Scientist: Michael Faraday who is one of the most influential scientists with his contributions to chemistry and electromagnetism and yet was from very humble beginnings and received little formal education. His knowledge grew from his own interests in reading books while apprenticed as a bookbinder. As he gained renown during his lifetime he refused several honours including knighthood highlighting his humility and commitment to scientific progress without fame. Additional inspirational figures include double Nobel Laureate Marie Curie, Jonas Salk who invented a vaccine for polio and decided not to patent it so it would have wider access and Ibn-Sina who was one of the most prolific thinkers of his time and the father of early modern medicine.

Hobbies: Manga, soccer, video games


Ahsan Uddin, M.D.